Buy/Sell Shop

Config.SellShops = {
        item = 'emerald',
        label = 'Emerald',
        price = math.random(100,175),
        currency = 'money'
        item = 'diamond',
        label = 'Diamond',
        price = math.random(400,800),
        currency = 'money'


item = string, 
label = string, 
price = number, 
currency = string
Examples = {
    item = 'c4', -- This will be the item you are buying/selling 
    label = 'Cool Custom Label For the C4', -- Label if you choose to put a different name
    price = 210,  -- price for the item above
    currency = 'black_money', -- can be { 'bank', 'money', 'black_money' }
    maxAmount = 10 -- maxAmount that can be bought each storm

Last updated